

Welcome to Authentic Joy! Your spiritual growth is our passion!

We use the phrase Authentic Joy to describe that place of fullness of joy in the Presence of God. It is a place of deep intimacy and purposeful partnership with God.

When I first came to Christ, I had no idea that such a place existed. I spent my early years as a Christian struggling to be a good Christ-follower. Outwardly, I looked like a good Christian – active in church, successful in my career, and happily married – but inside I was like, “This can’t be all there is???”. It was OK but it seemed a far cry from abundant life and fullness of joy. It felt more like slogging and striving and mediocre.

It was many many years later (after a long detour) that I discovered a real and passionate relationship with Jesus. The utter uselessness of striving, behaviour modification, and rule-keeping became blatantly evident. Deeper intimacy with Christ became my one desire and I finally began to experience authentic transformation.

Here’s the thing, it took me over 15 years to come to that place! I don’t want that wasted time to happen to anybody else if I can help it. I want everyone to taste the joy-filled life of intimacy in Christ! That’s the heart behind Authentic Joy.

Our mission is to promote, accelerate, and support the spiritual growth and maturation of our clients. Currently, we do this in a few ways:

We work with Christians and churches of all denominations. Contact us for more information on any of these services.

We are members of the Global Awakening Apostolic Network. https://globalawakening.com/network/

Joyfully in Christ,