A Prophetic Decree For Trinidad & Tobago

It was the evening of Friday 24th June 2022. My wife and I sat with a friend on a couple of concrete benches taking in the twilight sky. We were perched on the hillside of Mount St. Benedict, with the plains of Central Trinidad spread out below us to the South and the sun setting over Port of Spain to the West. The sky was littered with cloud-frescoes that changed constantly as the wind manipulated them like paint on the sky-dome of the Sistine Chapel. Not to be outdone, the setting sun added his own dramatic effects by casting various light filters on the entire scene – yellow tint, rainbows, orange tint, darkness.

Our hearts were expectant for what God would do over the weekend. This moment marked the beginning of an ecumenical weekend retreat where nine of us would gather to seek God for personal and national revival. The significance of what we would see in the sky that evening would only be revealed in days to come.

In the clouds appeared an angel holding a scroll. It was only after it began to dissipate that I thought to take a picture but hopefully, you can still see the figure of an angel riding on a cloud, bent over a scroll with majestic wings stretched out behind.

As the scenery morphed, rainbows began to appear. At first, it was just one short colourful burst straddling two clouds in the sky, but then another appeared way in the distance touching down somewhere in the East. Sadly, I did not take any pictures of the rainbows as I completely missed their significance at first.

Lastly, a huge crown appeared dominating the twilight sky.

I pondered in my heart what these signs in the sky could mean but I did not give it too much thought as the remaining attendees arrived and we went inside to sort out accommodations and prepare for the start of our retreat.

What God did in the midst of us over those few days can only be described as sacred. As I prepare to describe what happened this weekend, I feel like I should take off my shoes as men of God did in olden days when they discerned God was near. This is holy ground.

We shared the stories of our lives with each other and gave thanks for what God had done. In each of us was a monument built in flesh and blood to God’s grace and goodness in the midst of pain, suffering, and brokenness. But God!

We shared our deepest desires for our lives to become better, for our families to be restored in love and peace, for our children to serve God and become all that they were meant to be, for us to become all that God has called us to be, for more love, joy and peace deep inside of us, for more of God.

Then we listened. We had poured out our hearts. What would be God’s response? We let the stillness and silence envelop us as we individually tuned our ears to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

Then we came back together to share what we had heard and to hear God on each other’s behalf. It was like a firehose of grace was unleashed in our midst, pouring down from heaven, drenching us, washing us, cleansing us, filling us, and renewing us! Hurts were healed through tears as the saints gathered around in comfort. We painted God’s dreams for each other in vivid scenes that restored hope, renewed faith and assured us that we were not forgotten orphans but precious daughters and sons; seen, known and loved. We listened as God shared His desires. We gently invited us to restore broken relationships, forgive past hurts and believe what He had done and was doing in our lives. He ushered us into greater forgiveness, faith and freedom. By the time we were through, the love of God for us and our love for each other was palpable in the air, and we had lost track of time.

Sunday evening came and we prepared to leave. There was great joy. Not jumping up and down joy, but the deeper, quieter kind. The final words of God, “This was not the end but the beginning.” Then came a surprise. A desperate soul appeared on our doorstep seeking prayer. We surrounded him and shared with him of the meal we had just received. More tears. More love. More breakthrough. Just like God to do something unexpected.

As we came off the mountaintop, (having reminded each other not to let the invasion of noise and busyness of the valley loosen our grasp on what we had heard on the mountaintop) I determined to revisit and process all that God had said over the weekend. For a few days the rhythms of prayer, shared meals, laughter, tears and listening to God’s voice in community had dominated. Oh, what bliss. But now as I process the entire weekend with Holy Spirit, God is still speaking and I wonder, “As much as God spoke in our hearts and minds, and through the voices of our brothers and sisters, did He also speak to us through the clouds?”

I believe He did. Let me share with you the interpretations of the signs that I believe the Holy Spirit has given to me:

  • The angel with the scroll – a prophetic decree has been issued from Heaven for Trinidad & Tobago.
  • The rainbows – a promise of God’s covenant with us reassuring us of hope and new beginnings – restoration.
  • The crown – the Kingdom is coming – the sovereign will of the King of kings is being established over Trinidad & Tobago.

This is the decree that I believe has been released from Heaven for our beloved country:

“There will be a shaking. Leaders will fall and leaders after My heart will be raised up. The false and the true will be exposed. Then I will pour out My Spirit.”

Legions of angels have already been released all across the country to execute this decree. I invite all who would read this to pray with me:

Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

May your Kingdom come soon.

May your will be done in Trinidad & Tobago, as it is in heaven.

Give us today the food we need.

And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.

How Do You Become A Kingdom Leader?

Back in the day, we thought that leaders could only be born. We thought that either that ‘leadership charisma’ came naturally to us or it didn’t. Thankfully, we realized that this was not the case. In more modern times, we were taught that leaders could be trained. I do not believe this is entirely accurate either. It is definitely not the case if you want to be a leader in the kingdom of God. Kingdom leadership is not a communication style, or of a set of tools, or emotional intelligence skills (although all of these are beneficial). Therefore, it cannot be taught. To become a kingdom leader, you must be processed or refined. I propose there are three steps involved:

  1. Calling
  2. Crucifixion
  3. Co-creation


Every believer is called to be a leader. If everyone is called, then you may well ask, what’s the value of this step? The significance is that I believe everyone has a very specific assignment or purpose to fulfill on this earth. Therefore, it should be one of our primary tasks to determine our purpose.

We have been given the gifts, talents, abilities and personality needed to fulfill our assignment and our assignment alone. Only you can be a good you and that is precisely why everyone is a leader in the kingdom. It’s not a position or a title, it’s a particular facet of God that only you carry to be expressed in a specific sphere of life on planet earth.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. ~ Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)


Kingdom believers must serve from a place of selfless love. What stops that? All our self-serving agendas. The only way to truly become a vessel fit for God’s use is to crucify the flesh of our selfish desires.  This is a painful and often protracted process. The good news is that life gives us ample crises and trials that offer us the opportunity to become like Christ. Yes, that is good news! The trials of life are gifts – the potential of a better us on the other side.

This is where many exit the process and instead of becoming leaders that glorify God, we become pariahs in the body of Christ. There is nothing more heartbreaking than men and women in positions of great responsibility who refuse to do the inner work of maturing in Christ. There is no room for ego, selfishness, greed, domination, empire-building power-seeking, and the like in the heart of a Godly leader.

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. ~ James 1:3-4 (NLT)


Should we make it this far, there is one final step – learning to lead in partnership with God. Ultimately, kingdom leaders are persons who are actively expanding the kingdom of God. That means that they are actively making more and more of earth like heaven. This cannot be done by human will and understanding.

Kingdom leaders need to be actively working by the wisdom and grace of God. These leaders live their lives led by the Spirit. The successful leader in God’s eyes is not one who has the largest church, the most followers, or the greatest number of books, it’s the one who has most diligently built according to His blueprint and commands.

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” ~ Matthew 7:24-27 (NLT)

Let’s Do This!

I would argue that the most dire need in the world today is for selfless servant leaders. The world needs you to become the leader that you were born to be. The internal, personal work of developing our leadership capacity is one of the greatest things we can do to contribute to humanity. Let us not neglect this noble work of character development. The world needs us. Let’s do this!

Copyright 2022, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.

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