The Story Of Abiabba

I am a simple farmhand. I live on the island of Malta with my wife and three children – two boys and one girl. We all work on the estate of the chief Roman official – Publius. I was once called Abibaal – son of Baal. This is the name that my parents gave me at birth. I want to tell you the story of how I came to be called a different name – the name I now carry – Abiabba.

It was early morning. A storm had ravaged the coastline during the night. I stood in the doorway of my hut on top of the hill and breathed in the damp air. I loved the smell of the sea, especially after a storm. It smelled new, clean, and today, very wet. It was like breathing in a cloud. I pulled my cloak tighter as the moisture condensed on my hands and face. I surveyed the beach, eager to see what interesting things had washed up overnight or what had been taken out to sea. Not the boys’ favourite coconut tree with the swing I hoped.

“Come see this, Elissa! Boys!” I called excitedly to my family. I had spotted a trail of cargo on the Western end of the beach. We loved it when treasures drifted up on our beach. It was like exploring lands from far away. But then, as I looked further out, I saw a ship, wrecked on the outer shoal and I could see her inhabitants beginning to make their way to shore. My excitement waned as a wave of apprehension rose up in my stomach. Some swam while others held on to pieces of wood and drifted in with the tide. By now Elissa and the boys were all watching the scene with me.

“Go help them, Abibaal,” my wife said with concern written on her face.

“Can we come Baba?” the two older ones chimed in unison.

“Yes, but go call the rest of the workers first.”

I kissed Elissa and then went in to kiss my little princess Adama.  She was very ill and couldn’t even get out of bed anymore. The doctors said that she would not last much longer. That is the way of this life, I guess. It was like a cloud of darkness over the family. We prayed every day that she would be well. But nothing.

I negotiated my way down the steep path to the beach not knowing what to expect from these mariners. I said a quick prayer to Baal and waded out to begin helping the men to shore. They seemed friendly enough. I soon realized that there were soldiers, sailors and a prisoner named Paul who they treated with more respect than seemed customary for a prisoner.

By now many of the villagers were on the beach. Some were tending wounds. Others began bringing water and what food they had on hand. My boys and I set ourselves the job of getting a fire going to keep them warm.

We set everyone that was able the task of gathering wood for the fire. As Paul laid a bundle of sticks on the fire a deadly serpent struck out and bit him on the hand. We all saw it and knew that he would soon be dead. First, he would swell up though. It was a painful, ugly death but it was fate. Clearly, he was a murderer or worse. It was only a matter of time. We went about our business with one eye always on the prisoner. But nothing happened. Impossible! We had seen many die like this. They always died! He must be a god. Maybe even Baal himself!

The boys ran off to tell their friends and soon the whole village was talking about this god-man named Paul.

Even Publius himself heard about it and came to the beach to welcome Paul and the rest to the island. He allowed them to stay on the estate until they could find another ship departing in their direction.

As for me, I began to wonder if Paul could heal my Adama. Something about this man made a sliver of hope begin to rise in my heart. The more I thought about it the more I was convinced. He could heal her! Baal had answered our prayers by shipwrecking this vessel off our very beach! Hadn’t we been the ones to first see them!? It was a sign from the gods!

The next morning I got up early and wrapped Adama in a blanket and told Elissa, “Our baby will live! Come with me!” We left the boys in charge and went to find Paul in one of the huts that Publius had arranged for them.

“Good morning, is Paul awake?” I asked one of the soldiers guarding him.

“Yes, what do you want with him?”

“I want him to bless my daughter.” The guard looked slightly amused but also curious.

“Paul, there’s a villager here to you.” Paul walked out rubbing his back and smiling.

“Good morning. How can I help you?”

I launched into my prepared speech, “I believe Baal has sent you to heal my daughter. Will you please bless her?”

“Have a seat.” He gestured to a log and sat alongside us. His eyes became intense, almost ablaze, as he looked me in the eyes and said, “I have been sent to heal your daughter but not by Baal. I come in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and saviour!” As he said it, it was like a wind blew against my face but there was no wind this morning. I think the soldiers felt it too because they looked startled.

“Who is this Jesus?” I asked.

“He is the son of God.”

“Who is this God?”

“Abba – Father”

“Will this God and His son heal my little girl?

“Yes.” And with that he stretched out his hand over my little girl’s head and closed his eyes in prayer. “Be healed in the name of Jesus.” he said with tenderness and authority. Then my Adama, my little girl, opened her eyes and looked up at me.

“Baba, I’m hungry.”

Elissa gasped and covered her mouth. We hugged our little girl and wept for joy. It was the most joyous moment of my life. We sat for hours on that log as our friends brought food for Adama and we all gathered around Paul as he told us about his Jesus and Abba and the Holy Spirit. Right then and there I knew what I had to do. I wanted to serve this God. This God who would send Paul across the sea to heal my daughter. This God who heard prayers that I did not even pray to Him! This God who had the power to heal! No longer would I be called son of Baal. I would be known as Abiabba – son of Abba!

Copyright 2023, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.


DATE: Wednesdays from 10th May to 5th July 2023

TIME: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm AST

VENUE: Online Zoom Event (Cameras On)

FACILITATORS: Matik Nicholls, Tricia Celestin-Nicholls

DESCRIPTION: Participants will be taken on an 11-week journey that explores topics such as building connection with others, corporate identity, interdependence, true vs false community, church vs kingdom, 5-fold ministry, and discipling nations. The sessions will include teaching, discussion, reflection, and activation in an environment of loving community. The emphasis is practical, not theological. Our focus is on how to practically live out the commands of Jesus.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This workshop is open to anyone seeking to walk more intimately with Jesus Christ and become more like Him. All denominations are welcome. 301 is particularly geared toward those who want to be agents of unity in the body of Christ.




Spiritual Formation 301 was EXCELLENT!!
Like the previous Sessions SF 101 & 201, packed with solid Biblical content, thought provoking, life transforming activities and discussions. I believe the facilitators through the leading of Adonai took us all on a journey each session where we were confronted, inspired and motivated to pursue authentic deeper intimacy with our Father. All my relationships have benefitted significantly from what I have gleaned as a participant in these sessions and if possible I would be willing to do them over again!

Thank you Matik and Tricia for making yourselves available and willing to process life with us in community as we provoke each other unto good works, and grow up into mature sons. God bless you and your ministry. We love you.

Rose, Turks & Caicos

It was a great pleasure to be a part of Spiritual Formation 101, 201 and 301. It has been a very enlightening, informative and eye-opening experience.

The purpose of these sessions was to encourage spiritual growth; to move from a place of immaturity to a place of maturity in Christ. It was about teaching the participants how to form new habits to help us grow and be more intimate in our relationship with others and with God. We identified where we were at in these relationships and through teachings and practice, looked at ways to find our identity in Christ. We learned and discussed ways to move from individual mindsets to a Kingdom mindset.

I loved that this was an open place to share. I had quite a bit on my plate at the start of 101, and being in that space was a healing in itself. It renewed my trust in God. At that time, my husband was having some issues with his sight; he couldn’t see. But listening to the teachings and hearing what others had to share helped me to see God’s hand working in my life, and that of my husband, even in that situation.

It seems like there was something happening in my life for each fraction of Spiritual Formation. In 201, I was having some issues with my alcoholic brother. He was drinking and getting into fights. But being in a place that I felt safe to share and being taught about God’s continued grace, helped me through. During 301, I was not in the best place spiritually; I wasn’t giving God His due, not spending enough time in His presence. But Matik’s presentations (practice and
assignments) helped to pull me out of that place and be more focused on my
relationship with God.

I truly believe that spirituality is much more important than religion. I also believe that God isn’t about saving only one religion but all of mankind. These three ‘courses’ reiterated that fact. Interacting with people of different countries, religious persuasions and socio-economic backgrounds, taught me that I take a lot of things for granted in my life.

I truly enjoyed these sessions and looked forward to them. I would this again if given the opportunity, because there was so much to learn that I’m sure I missed something(s).

Thanks so much for this Matik! May God continue to bless your efforts to spread His Kingdom message to others.

Jeneil, Trinidad & Tobago

Hi everyone. My name is Gillian. My husband and I met Matik and Tricia virtually during our search for a greater level of understanding of the Kingdom of God and desiring a greater daily impact in our lives through a deeper intimacy with God. I have had the great opportunity to sit expectantly through the Spiritual Formation sessions for the 201 and 301 courses. At the time when the 101 course was being offered, I was not available, but caught up, I believe, with the Basic, and Phase One sessions on the Authentic Joy website-

The Authentic Joy journey has been a real eye opener for me. In their loving way, I was encouraged to ask myself some deep questions, that allowed me to understand who I am and who God created me to be. My fellow course-mates helped in the process by sharing their experiences and what they gleaned as well. I especially liked the exercises and the habits we were encouraged to develop. Journaling is still a challenge but I appreciate the value of it and will settle in one day. Our model was always Christ Jesus and I learnt that real life was thriving in His love, joy and peace and not the false self of the survival mode where I had the tendency to perform for acceptance.

We are all to continue to seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and in this, mature in love and purpose. I encourage you to go on this journey of Spiritual Formation. For me although the course has ended, the transformation journey continues. I am committed to ardently pursue intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My life depends on it.

Thank you, Matik and Tricia for your passionate pursuit of God and joy in giving this course. I love you both.

Gillian, Jamaica

The Sacrificial Way Of Life

It’s Easter! A wonderfully sacred time for most of the Christian world. A time to remember the sacrifice that changed everything and reset the world calendar. Most importantly, a time to renew our devotional life. As I read again the epic drama of the days leading up to Christ’s crucifixion, I felt my heart stir as the Holy Spirit breathed on me afresh through the scriptures.

I saw the frenzied crowds faced with a choice; set Jesus free or release the revolutionary – Barabbas. We know what they chose, “We want Barabbas!” My heart broke for their choice. They couldn’t see it. They couldn’t see their salvation in the form of a humble mystic. They wanted a revolutionary who would overthrow their Roman oppressors. My heart broke for us too. We still want Barabbas. Despite Jesus’ example of revolution through sacrificial love and humble service, we still want violence.

The Barabbian gospel is perhaps the most difficult anti-Christ principle to rid ourselves of… View our history – the Crusades, conquest and colonization of America and the 3rd world. As Jesus said to Pilate as he was being cross-examined, “My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.”

Hopefully, today we have seen the abomination and oxymoronic nature of using physical violence to expand God’s kingdom. Sadly however, we Christians are still leaning on earthly power in more ‘acceptable’ ways. Perhaps it is our religious ego overcompensating for our lack of real spiritual authority? Our Barabbian nature lingers on in subtler forms – protests, political movements that support ‘Christian’ laws or judges, vomiting hate toward those who we deem ‘sinners’ or ‘heretics’. It’s the same now as in Christ’s day – we want the political or social power to overthrow our modern ‘oppressors’. These Barabbian false prophets would have us believe that Christians and our way of life are under threat, and we must fight back! But Jesus offered another way – dying for those who want to kill you. Now that is revolutionary!

“We want Barabbas!” wasn’t the only cry that fateful day. There was another cry, this time from the leading priests and temple guards, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Why? Because Jesus was undermining the religious system from which they drew their identity, significance and power. This was their real God – the thing they had to protect at all costs.

We’re still doing it today. Oh, when will we awaken to truly see Christ? Ironically, this even plays out in our very celebration of Easter. There are enclaves within the Christian world that refuse to celebrate Easter because they believe it is rooted in a pagan fertility ritual and furthermore, nobody knows what day it was on, etc. They crucify all who dare to uphold the practice. “If you were truly Christians,” they say, “you would not be involved in such an unscriptural practice!” Typical leading priest/temple guard rhetoric. What month or day Jesus was crucified, the roots of the word Easter, how it started many years ago… it is all inconsequential. The choice here and now, the opportunity, is to lift up Jesus together with believers across the world in sincerity of heart and unity of worship. If our hearts say no to that then we have to ask ourselves, “What is really important to us?” Are we more concerned with saying no to something that undermines our belief system (just like healing on the Sabbath in Christ’s day) or saying yes to the opportunity that Easter presents for unbelievers to hear the gospel and be healed? (Hint: Jesus chose to heal.)

I have been faced with my own inner crowd and leading priest lately. Jesus has been asking me if I am willing to live a sacrificial life. Am I willing to be crucified with Christ that I may be resurrected with Him? Am I willing to let the parts of me that I am still clinging to die? It is as though Jesus has set Himself in front of me, gently held my shoulders, looked me in the eyes, and said, “This is it, Mat. If you want to go any further, it requires sacrifice.”

I can’t say that I was all gung-ho about choosing the way of Jesus. I wanted to. Oh, how I desperately wanted to! But I didn’t feel I had the ability to follow through, not really, not truly, not authentically. I have seen myself choose my way over Jesus’ too often. So many times it felt like my heart would break in utter despair.

But… perhaps this is the mysterious power of Jesus’ sacrifice? Perhaps this is what makes the way of Jesus superior to religious power or political power? Jesus’ sacrifice actually has the power to transform my life really, truly, authentically. And so, I say boldly, “I CHOOSE YOUR WAY JESUS!” I choose to join you in your death and resurrection. Crucify me Jesus. That I may die, and You may live in me. This is the way.

Copyright 2023, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.