
Where Has Your Zeal Gone?

When I was in my early twenties there was a group of us who were full of zeal for the Lord. We wanted to do great things for God. We talked about God and following His will for our lives and doing greater things than Jesus did endlessly! Every day was an adventure!

Today I look back at our group and I wonder what happened to us. I would say only a couple of us still have that fire burning. Why? It seems that life got in the way of our dreams. We got married. We had children. The mundane became the norm and soon it seems that the mundane was all that we expected. We relegated the stories of the bible to the domain of a few…not applicable to us; to normal people. The sad truth is we lost faith.

Church leaders will warn against backsliding from the pulpit. If you take part in carnival, you are a backslider. If you stop coming to church, you are a backslider. But I propose that there are hundreds of backsliders in church every Sunday. Christians who have absolutely nothing supernatural about their lives. Churchgoers who are just good people with no Living Water flowing into or from their lives. Jesus aches for these people to return to Him. If only we would believe again.

One of the phrases that I’ve come to view with extreme suspicion is, “With age comes wisdom.” Almost every time I’ve heard this in church its not been wise at all… it’s been a faith cop-out. A sad attempt at an excuse for playing it safe and ignoring the call of God to extreme risk for His cause. We were made to put it all on the line for the name and fame of Christ! Nothing less will do! We are called to forsake ALL and follow Christ!

There are people who will try to quench your faith and squash your dreams… Don’t let them! When they call you young and zealous say “YES I AM!”. Run with those who are laying it all down. Gravitate to the older heads who will stir your passion and give you real wisdom; the benefit of their experience to help you go further than they did.

Beloved, stir up your faith again like when you were young and full of zeal.

Copyright 2019, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.

The Fire Series: All In

The Christian rapper, Flame, has a song called All In that I love to blast when I’m in my ‘gangsta Jesus’ mood. The concept of being ‘all-in’ is a term borrowed from the card game of poker. It means that a player has bet it all by putting all of his or her chips into the pot and has no plays left. The song always challenges me to put it all on the line for Jesus.

There are so many ways in which I still hold back from a full throttle, all or nothing, radical pursuit of Christ and yet I am decidedly dissatisfied with the state of my spiritual life. In this contradiction of what I’m willing to give versus what I want to get, the truth is laid bare; the only one holding me back is… me.

What am I willing to give to God? A few minutes of my time in the morning. A little percentage of my salary each month. Off and on obedience when it’s convenient to my agenda. A lukewarm commitment to loving people unconditionally. These little scraps of my life are not what God is yearning for. He wants me to be all-in. He wants me to entrust my life completely into His service and care in the ultimate union of God and man. This is what He wants for all of us.

He said, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”. God wants everything. His fullness is reserved for those who will devote themselves to Him completely. There are no half-measures with God.

Perhaps, the thing that is hindering me most from more of God’s presence in my life right now; the thing that He most wants me to let go of in this season; is my dignity. My dignity is the chip that I still have tightly clutched in my fist. The dictionary defines dignity as the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect. I don’t tell strangers about Jesus or pray for healing for them because I don’t want to look foolish. I want to maintain my dignity. That’s the truth.

But I  pray like the early church fathers did for greater faith and greater boldness! I pray that I would step out of my comfort zone and risk it all that the name of Christ may be lifted up!

Are you all-in? What’s holding you back from a ‘no holds barred’ pursuit of Christ? Let it go! Give it all! Let us stir each other up to do great exploits for God! I would love if you would share a testimony of how God turned up when you took a risk? It would really encourage me and others to step out in faith as well.


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.