The hallmark of a life yielded to God is a commitment to listening and obeying. However, I have found that both listening and obeying are disciplines that require practice.
When I was a babe in Christ I could not hear God very well at all and my life was at the mercy of those whom I allowed to guide me. It was not pretty. As an adolescent (in terms of spiritual maturity), I transitioned into taking responsibility for my decisions. I could hear God but only in a very general sense. I knew the general direction that He wanted me to go but not much more than that. Thankfully, today I can hear God much better. The beautiful thing about that is that when you have a word from God, and you know that you know that you have a word from God, staying the course of obedience is easier (still not easy mind you but at least you KNOW that it will work out in the end for your good and His glory).
At the beginning of this year, God spoke to me and said that 2024 would be a year of victory in every area of my life. Like Joshua, I would be taking territory in my health, finances, career, ministry, sanctification, relationships etc. Now, a decade ago I might have been naively excited about this word but not today. I knew what that word really meant. It meant: Get ready for war! I’m still excited, but it’s more of a sober excitement if you know what I mean.
Again, a decade ago I might also have thought that I had nothing more to do than wait for God to drop this victory in my lap. And, of course, I would have ended the year frustrated and disappointed. But not today! I have learned that God wants me to partner with His word; to partner with Him. So, I made a plan of how I would partner with this word to see it come to pass in my life.
One of the first things I did was to rearrange my schedule to prioritize physical exercise and time with God. I slowed down. I got focused. I disengaged from social media. I’m not running around attending a lot of church events. Instead, I’m focused on quiet alone time with Him. In other words, I prioritized self-care. War takes a toll and I know my victory depends on my ability to stay connected and refreshed in God’s presence as well as physically and emotionally healthy. This is what it takes to persevere. It’s all about the long game.
The second thing I did was to engage the services of a professionally trained Christian therapist. I stress professionally trained because we Christians have this belief that any pastor with bible knowledge makes a good therapist. I can tell you from experience this is not the case! Not only that, but many church leaders do not even have a pastoral gift/calling and are really frustrated by having to deal with people’s problems which is not who you want counseling you! You want someone who, first of all, can hear God, and secondly has been called and trained to facilitate transformation in your life. Someone who enjoys helping people become the best version of themselves. Someone who can deal with all of our mess without shaming us or condemning us and who genuinely finds joy in their work. Someone who is your die-hard advocate and is full of hope for who you can become in Christ. I am blessed to have found a therapist who fits that description to support me in this season. If I am to have victory in my personal life I need to put in the inner work.
Next, in each area of my life, I seek God daily for the details of how to engage the enemy and secure victory. While the word of the Lord for 2024 is my rallying call, my inspiration, and my anchor, experience has taught me that the pathway to victory relies on a daily partnership with God. How do I handle this situation at work, Jesus? How do I deal with this issue with my son, Papa? What do you want to do at our church meeting this morning, Holy Spirit? The Spirit-led life is the only pathway to fulfilling God’s word for my life in 2024.
So has it gone smoothly thus far? Ha! Finances are tighter than ever, one of my sons had his first car accident, my granddaughter had a health challenge, I just strained my hamstring this week, I have a cough that won’t go away, and there are contentious issues brewing at work. Just to name a few of the challenges… But this is what I expected. This is the nature of war. There is no victory without war. It is only in our fantasies that a ‘take the promised land like Joshua’ word means a comfortable stroll around Jericho singing a few songs and then we walk in and take over while the enemy hightails it for the hills. At least that was what it looked like in my head in my more immature days.
I am thankful that He has brought me to the place where I can genuinely rejoice through trials because I hear His voice and I KNOW that I am following the Commander of the Armies of Heaven! “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) This is my peace in the storm.
Every day I see victory in my circumstances. I see it in the unexpected heart-to-heart conversation when one of my children has an uncharacteristically teachable moment. I see it in an unexpected call from someone I do not know that connects me with purpose in a way I could not have planned. I see it in just-in-time resources to help me navigate difficult relationships. Most of all I feel it in His voice and the nearness of His presence. I know I am victorious because He is with me every day. This was God’s word to Joshua:
Joshua 1:9 (NLT)
This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
There are a few things I want to leave with you:
Hearing God takes practice. It develops over time. But it is essential for every one of us to be working on developing this ability. Your effectiveness in living a purposeful life that is pleasing to God is determined firstly by how well you can be directed by Him in your daily walk. This is not just knowing the bible. This is knowing His voice. There is a difference.
When God gives you a word, know that it will not (generally) come to pass without your active participation. God wants to do things with you, more than He wants to do things for you. Active participation means digging into the details of what God requires from us. Never stop at just receiving a word with joy. Dissect it. Ask questions. Work it out daily with Him. God often gives scant details so that we will not run off without Him.
God rewards obedience. When you begin to do life His way and in His timing, you will reap the rewards!
#2 in my opinion, is what makes all the difference in our experience of this Christian life. I know many people who are stressed, anxious, discouraged, and exhausted by following Jesus. There was a time when I was all of those things. We press on and hold on in the hope that all things work for good… But that is not how God wants us to live! We are designed to live in fellowship with God and His presence is supposed to be the source of our internal atmosphere. Our experience of life should be full of peace, hope, and joy not because circumstances are peaceful, hopeful, or joyful but because He is and He is with us! I am not afraid or discouraged because the Lord my God is with me wherever I go! If as a Christ-follower there isn’t peace and joy on the inside of you that is BIGGER than your circumstances then there is a deeper walk in God available to you. Press into it now!
Copyright 2024, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
Last week I was reading through John 8:31-59 and the word ‘word’ jumped out at me. It’s repeated 7 times in the passage. Jesus is speaking to some Jews who believe in Him and He starts off by telling them in verse 13 (ESV),
“If you abide in my word you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
My immediate question to myself was, “What is His word and how do I know if I’m abiding in it?”. My prayer: “Lord, I desperately want to be Your disciple. I want to know Your truth. How do I abide in Your word, Lord?” I continued reading hoping to find the answer. The Jews begin to contend that they are free because they are the offspring of Abraham. In verse 37 He replies,
“I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father.”
They are still not getting it so they continue with the same argument about Abraham being their father. So Jesus elaborates (verses 39b-41),
“If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. You are doing the works your father did.”
The Jews really get on the defensive now, digging in their heels and going further to affirm that they are children of God. Jesus goes deeper (verses 42b-47),
“If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”
If we are to believe what Jesus says here, these Jews, who believed in Jesus, have somehow found themselves in the position of being sons of the devil. So in our present-day context, is it possible to belong to a church and believe in God but to be serving the devil and not God? Yes. Jesus also says that these men, who have been reading the Torah since their youth cannot hear the words of God. So is it possible to read the Bible and not hear the word? Also yes.
As I read this passage, I felt God speaking to me – I heard His word. I had become complacent. I had become satisfied with merely doing church. I had become satisfied with just reading the bible. I was in a rut; a stagnant pond with no fresh water coming in. How did I lose my hunger? When did the fire become an ember? And how do I get back to that place of hunger; that place where there is this uncertainty of what happens next; that place where God is so in control that every outcome is not predictable?
There is something about living in the place of ‘hearing and obeying’. It is uncomfortable but it is full of life! There is something about living daily from what God would speak. The place of ‘my food is to do His will’. It’s a place beyond being moral, or biblical, or doctrinally accurate. Those are often intellectual assessments to comfort our flesh that we are doing His will or to be accepted by our denominational tribe. I’m talking about something much more relational, real, and wild – being led by the Spirit. When we are led by the Spirit we are always a bit unpredictable (John 3:8).
“The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”
Walking by the Spirit looks like the disciples walking with Jesus. When Jesus was getting ready to leave them He did not say that He would send an Advocate, He said He would send another Advocate. In other words, One who would walk with them as He had (John 14:16).
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. “
David Yonghi Cho was a South Korean minister who led the largest church in history of 700,000 members. In one of his famous sermons on prayer, he talked about living in this relational place of hearing and obeying. He recalled different times when God told him to go to places or step out and do things in faith and others who tried to emulate him and failed. He explained why he succeeded and others failed by contrasting the logos and the rhema. He explains that everything in the bible is potentially ours but it’s not actually ours until you get a rhema word from God. Peter, for example, had to wait on Jesus to instruct him to walk on water before stepping out of the boat. You don’t move until God speaks.
Toward the end of Jesus’ interaction with the believing Jews in John 8, He says, “if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death” and again, “‘If anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death”. Are we Jesus’ disciples or just church-going believers? Are we keeping His word? Am I keeping His word? Am I daily listening for His direction and being quick to obey what He is saying? I find myself lacking. I find my ears dull and my feet slow. Eternal life is found in keeping the words that He speaks to us. His word is personal and specific to each one of us. What He asks of me, may not be what He asks of you.
Holy Spirit, give us keen ears to hear Your voice. Give us tender hearts that are sensitive to Your stirrings. Give us swift feet that run to do Your will.
Copyright 2024, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?
1 John 4:20 (NLT)
I want to draw your attention to one little word in this verse. The word can. Can is not about the will or the choice to do something. Can is about the ability to do something. The word in Greek means to be able to or to have the power or capability to. And if this is the case then what this verse is saying is that if we do not practice loving our fellow believers then we will not have the capability to love God and that is profound!
Often we think, and I have thought at one point, that we can live in isolation in a ‘just me and God’ sort of reality. And by isolation, I don’t mean that we necessarily become a hermit but just that we withhold our hearts from everyone or at least most people. We think we can hold everyone at a distance but be intimate with God. This verse is saying that that is a delusion. The same relational muscles that we must build to be vulnerable with others and to connect across the things that divide us (race, theology, personality, class, education) are the same muscles needed to connect to an invisible God.
I did not come about this understanding by studying 1 John. That is rarely how God teaches me. It was revealed to me in my daily struggles as I processed life with God. Since I married the one and only Tricia Celestin-Nicholls I have been working on trying to remain relational and connected with her through life’s ups and downs. As with all of us, I have suffered my fair share of trauma and I have learned coping mechanisms to keep myself safe. My go-to is shutting down, meaning that I become emotionally numb and withdraw into my own inner world. There are any number of triggers that can cause me to shut down but any form of criticism or vexation pointed in my direction is top of the list. I can also shut down if I am under a lot of emotional stress. And when I shut down it’s with everybody not just the person who may have triggered it. So you see how my poor wife may suffer the brunt of my disconnection even if she didn’t cause it.
So, I’ve been working on remaining open and relational even when I am stressed or feel hurt or threatened. To tell you the truth, it seems like every time I heal one layer there’s a deeper layer that God reveals that needs a deeper healing. The word trauma means soul-wound according to Gabor Mate. In order for me to love my wife better, Jesus needs to heal my soul. This doesn’t just affect my wife of course. It means that I can love everyone better. My kids. My parents. My sister. My friends. My co-workers. My church group. My neighbours. Everyone.
But back to the opening verse, do you see that it also means that I can love God better? What I discovered that led me to this verse is that as I healed, I was able to stay connected to Holy Spirit better. I hid less when I sinned. I was able to hear Holy Spirit better even when I was stressed. I was better able to leave my heart open to receive the love that I so desperately needed and God so desperately wanted to pour on me.
God showed me that I only have one heart. The same heart that loves my wife is the same heart that loves Him. Wholeheartedness is not an option. Healing is not an option. If we are to obey the greatest commandment to love God with all our hearts then we must work on our relationships. It is in that pursuit that traumas are unearthed, wounds healed and hearts made whole.
Working on loving others is working on loving God because you’ve only got one heart!
Copyright 2023, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
Many agree that Jesus’ over-arching message was the kingdom. John the Baptist preached that the kingdom was coming and then Jesus came and it was ‘at hand’. Jesus was a walking demonstration of the love and power of God made manifest on the earth. Jesus brought heaven to earth. The enemy’s kingdom was completely outgunned. Sin fled in the face of forgiveness! Sickness yielded under the power of healing! And demonic oppression was evicted as Jesus proclaimed freedom! A new kingdom was on the earth! The fact that this governmental mandate has been passed onto the church has been a hot topic among the Christian circles that I am a part of.
Today, I gathered with a group of men and women with hearts earnestly desiring the manifestation of His kingdom in Trinidad & Tobago. We shared a meal and shared our hearts with a humility and intimacy that I have rarely encountered. No titles. No agendas. And God turned up. As we prayed and shared, the presence of God was amongst us and things shifted in the atmosphere undoubtedly far beyond our awareness or comprehension.
My friend, Dave, shared about the governmental reality that the church of Acts came into. He illustrated the journey that started as a church powerless in the face of the enemy’s attack on the apostle James. James was imprisoned and killed. Then Peter was imprisoned, and the church woke up. As they prayed for Peter in the prison, an angel turned up and supernaturally broke him out of prison. Then this governmental authority became so real in the church that when Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they started a revival in the prison complete with supernatural miracles and mass conversions. That’s a picture of a church walking in progressive governmental authority.
So, as I said, this is a hot topic in many circles. For many, this revelation is communicated by an understanding that the word translated church in the scripture – “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18 ESV) – is the Greek word ekklesia which refers to a gathering of the citizens of a nation for the purpose of governance. But as another brother in the meeting today focused on the verses that precede this one, some things that I had been struggling to articulate properly before suddenly became as clear as day!
So let me share what is on my heart by unwrapping these verses. Here is the full text (Matthew 16:13-18 ESV emphasis mine):
13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
So Jesus says that this governmental force that will wreak havoc on the kingdom of darkness will be built upon a rock. The question is: what is the rock? Let’s start at verse 13. Jesus asks His disciples who other people say that He is… and they give some answers but what Jesus really wants to know is this: do His disciples really know Him? Peter answers, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Right answer Peter! But let’s look at this more closely. This is not mere intellectual knowledge. You see most Christians think that because they believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, they can walk in kingdom authority. That is a fallacy! And that fallacy is a big obstacle because many believers are busy spreading this revelation of ekklesia and kingdom governance in the very erroneous assumption that the information is sufficient for governmental function. I don’t believe it is.
You see the real rock that Peter identified with was not the objective fact that Jesus was the Christ. It was the subjective experienced reality of who Christ was to Peter that was birthed out of real physical intimacy with Jesus. Peter had experienced the Messiah first-hand. The Messiah who walked on water, empowered him to do the same, rescued him when he started to sink and calmed the winds and waves! It was after this encounter that those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:22-33 ESV). In fact, this reality of Christ’s deity and power was so tangible in Peter that Christ identified him as the rock. The quality of Peter’s knowing changed him on a fundamental level. This type of knowledge only comes through experience not education.
Jesus will only give the keys to bind and loose to those who know Him like Peter did. While Jesus is not physically with us now, His Spirit is in us and it is only through a deliberate pursuit of intimacy with the Christ in us that we can walk the path to any form of true kingdom authority on this earth. Those who are on this path understand that the inner life of intimacy and communion is our highest priority. We must cultivate and grow this communion to become the rock like Peter did. The reality of Jesus with us here and now must be an increasingly experienced reality. Those along this path often use words like worship, encounter, contemplation, meditation, tarrying, lingering, and retreat to describe practices that enable this pursuit.
This is why the current revival that God is doing across the earth (most recently in Asbury) is so important and exciting. Revival is the word we use to describe when God moves from intellectual theory to experienced reality in a corporate way. It is actually the necessary start of ekklesia. Many do not make this connection. Many discount revival in favour of more teaching and organizing. If we meet in homes, if we teach everyone that they are a citizen, if we take the 7 mountains, if we do more evangelization, if we do more missions, if we do more community service, if we (insert whatever educating/organizing effort)… then we will see the church take its place as a ruling change agent in society. We all long for this and these are all good things that the church should do but they are not the first step or even the most important step. In fact, without intimacy with God any education/organization effort is doomed to failure no matter how great it is, even if it accomplishes great things in the natural. You see, education and organization can take us very far (exhibit A: the tower of Babel) but it cannot give us real authority and therefore it cannot defeat the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of this world will only bow when the King becomes incarnate in His body.
When God begins to encounter us on a corporate level, He is opening a window of opportunity for us as a body to step into a Peter reality. That is why I am going after revival. This is why I think it is important to celebrate and connect with anywhere that God is breaking into this world. It may just look like people laughing or crying or worshipping but it is much more than that! It is God bringing the reality of the kingdom in us first before we can bring it to the world. You have to worship in the boat with Jesus before you can worship in the prison. You have to be blinded by the light and knocked to the ground and hear Jesus speak to you before you can invade the darkness with light and knock the enemy off his feet. You must become the rock shaped without human hands before it can grow and take over the world. As a corporate body, we must encounter God in unity in the upper room before we can turn the world upside down.
Attention to our individual inner life with God brings corporate revival in the church and revival in the church brings kingdom come on earth.
Copyright 2023, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
Richard Rohr talks about ‘second half of life maturity’. It is something I have experienced myself but have been grappling with recently for reasons unknown to my conscious mind. The rough idea is that one has to live a bit and experience pain and loss and failure in order to overcome our immature mindsets. Caught up in there is the idea that we must go through the phase of ‘the law’ and religion before we can experience grace and spirituality.
I have done religion with great gusto. I have done sin with great gusto. Now, I am doing spirituality with great gusto. (Do you see the trend?) My struggle is this: Were religion and sin optional or necessary? Fr. Rohr seems to think that it is par for the course. I’m not 100% convinced. Much of what some would call ‘ministry’ that I do these days is premised on the belief that one can be birthed into the kingdom of God straightaway into a relational intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit without the need to go through the intellectual, self-righteous, Christian membership club phase. I have even seen spiritual growth models that show an initial phase of rapid growth that includes becoming a church member and getting involved in church activities etc. But then we hit a wall of some sort (loss, sin, divorce, health issues, burnout, spiritual dryness). You can get stuck at the wall or overcome it to start growing again in deeper relationship with God.
It does seem difficult to traverse from a very black-and-white, biblical mindset to a more mystical (union with Christ) mindset. You can’t really teach someone into maturity if they are already convinced that they know all the truth and have all the answers. I know. I have tried and failed repeatedly. It is because of these experiences that I tend toward agreeing with Richard. It is very difficult to jump 2 or 3 steps from where you are. This realization has helped me to be more patient and far less inclined to try to influence others. It is far better to wait on God to bring to me those who are ready to go deeper and leave those who are not yet ready to go their way in peace (or hit their wall). Perhaps the adage is true – when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
There is one problem with this school of thought – Jesus. Paul (formerly Saul), the self-named Pharisee of Pharisees has one encounter with Jesus and leapfrogs over years of tradition and indoctrination and self-righteousness into the most mystical understanding of the faith recorded in the Bible. Jesus appears to him as a blinding light and a booming voice and Paul is never the same again. Listen to Paul:
…You know my pedigree: a legitimate birth, circumcised on the eighth day; an Israelite from the elite tribe of Benjamin; a strict and devout adherent to God’s law; a fiery defender of the purity of my religion, even to the point of persecuting the church; a meticulous observer of everything set down in God’s law Book. The very credentials these people are waving around as something special, I’m tearing up and throwing out with the trash—along with everything else I used to take credit for. And why? Because of Christ. Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant—dog dung. I’ve dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ and be embraced by him. I didn’t want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ—God’s righteousness. I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally…
(An excerpt from the Message translation of Philippians 3)
One encounter with Christ is all it takes. I believe that a newborn babe in the faith can be catapulted into second-half-of-life-maturity with one encounter with the Son of God. I don’t believe that you have to wait until you are over 40 like me. You don’t have to be sucked into religion. An encounter with Jesus is available to you now. No frills. No holds barred.
This is of course, what Jesus offered when He said the Kingdom of God was at hand. He did not just offer a message, He healed the sick and cast out demons. He offered a foretaste of heaven! Any message without a spiritual experience is what Paul called persuasive words of human wisdom without a demonstration of the Spirit and of power! (1 Co 2:4)
Nothing less than a knock-your-socks-off, high-voltage contact with the very power of Love personified is yours for the having… if you want it.
Copyright 2023, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
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I have come to be convinced that there are only three root practices that underpin the life of every thriving Christian. There are many beneficial habits or disciplines but they all draw from these three in my opinion. It may sound like an oversimplification, but I have found that most truth is simple. It is not necessarily easy to walk out but it is not complicated. Here are my three power habits of Christianity:
Intimacy – Pursuing deepening relationship with God.
Transformation – Pursuing hearing and obeying His voice with greater and greater frequency, accuracy and immediacy.
Dominion – Pursuing expansion of God’s kingdom in your sphere.
Put another way:
Connecting more and more with Christ.
Becoming more and more like Christ.
Connecting the world more and more with Christ.
These habits are sequential and cyclical. By sequential, I mean that we can only become like Christ to the degree that we are intimate with Him, and we can only expand Christ’s dominion to the degree that He is in us. This means that intimacy with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit is the #1 pursuit of the Christian life. Everything we do such as praying, worshipping, fasting, and bible study, should be mainly toward this end. If it is not, then we are wasting our time.
The second habit is the transformation of our lives by hearing AND obeying God’s voice. Some of us may assume hearing simply means reading the bible. Let me be absolutely clear here – we can read the bible and never hear His voice. Only those intimate with God hear His voice. There must be an unmistakable awareness that our lives are guided by a person, not just biblical principles. We must be constantly led by the Spirit. The final habit, dominion, is the demonstrated power of God in our lives. Our Christianity must actually work. Demons must flee. Sickness must flee. Christ must transform our families and businesses and communities from brokenness to wholeness.
By cyclical, I mean that this is not a one-time 1-2-3 and then we have arrived at the pinnacle of Christianity. It is more like we get a little closer to Him, then we become a little more like Him, then we influence our world a little more, and then we draw a little closer again, and on and on in a beautiful upward spiral of grace.
These three things are a pattern that can be observed in scripture from beginning to end. Let’s take Moses and Joshua taking the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. We have Moses refusing to go without God’s presence and building a temple for Him to dwell among His people. We have God giving the law on Mount Sinai and commanding the Israelites to walk in obedience to all His laws and commands. And we have Joshua leading the Israelites to displace the inhabitants of Canaan and occupy the land. Temple, Law, and Land. Intimacy, Transformation, and Dominion.
Consider also the Israelites returning from captivity in Babylon. There are three waves of Jews returning from exile. The first wave is led by Zerubbabel and the focus is on rebuilding the temple – Intimacy. The second wave is led by Ezra and the focus is on re-establishing obedience to the law – Transformation. And the third wave is led by Nehemiah and the focus is on rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls – Dominion.
Finally, all is fulfilled in Christ who is the way (making a way to true intimacy with God), the truth (the Word made flesh – our model and means for transformed life), and the life (living with absolute kingdom dominion over sin and death).
So, if you want to thrive make these practices the foundation of your life:
Commitment to the single-minded pursuit of intimacy with God.
Commitment to hearing God better and obeying Him more completely.
Commitment to a lifestyle of stepping out in faith to see results in real life.
Christ be with you!
Copyright 2022, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
If you haven’t yet, check out our FREE Spiritual Growth Foundation Course in which we cover the four foundational principles for spiritual growth and much more! In addition to on-demand videos which you can watch at your leisure, there are downloadable handouts for those who prefer written content.
Two of my latest Bible study plans just went live on YouVersion!
The first one is a 7-day devotional for business executives called Refuel, Reframe, Recalibrate. This plan is a wonderful way to start your day with a kingdom mindset and a breath of fresh air from the Holy Spirit!
Here’s an excerpt: Sometimes work feels like we’re walking on quicksand. We can’t get our footing, and with every step we only sink deeper. No matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get on top of our workload or ahead of the crises. The antidote to this rat race mentality is to live in the secret place of intimacy with God. Daniel lived from intimacy. Daily, he would kneel in his upper room praying to Yahweh. God knew Him. God took care of him. God loved him. When the king made a law that promised death for anyone who prayed to any god or man besides the king, Daniel simply went up to his room to pray as usual. No fuss, no drama. He didn’t try to appeal to the king, get a petition signed or have a hissy fit on social media. He simply prayed. I think it’s fair to say that Daniel did not suffer from anxiety.
The second plan is a study based on the book of Daniel. It explores our relationship to power.
Here’s an excerpt from this one: In Daniel 1, we discover Daniel starts at the bottom of the power ladder – as a conquered slave. Daniel is a captive of Babylon without the power to even decide his name. He finds himself a chosen trainee for service in the king’s court. This immediately presents a challenge for Daniel because he is a Jew – a servant of Yahweh – but he has to serve a king and a people who have no respect for or allegiance to his God. How will he navigate this dilemma? He doesn’t seem to have much power to influence this massive pagan system. Or does he?
You can access all of my plans including these two on the YouVersion app or here.
I hope they help you on your joyful journey of spiritual growth!
Copyright 2022, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
If you haven’t yet, check out our FREE Spiritual Growth Foundation Course in which we cover the four foundational principles for spiritual growth and much more! In addition to on-demand videos which you can watch at your leisure, there are downloadable handouts for those who prefer written content.
It’s 2022! Happy New Year! And what better way to start the year than with some steamy, passionate sex! Yes, this is still a Christian blog 😊.
Christian mystics throughout the ages have used sexual union as a powerful metaphor for spiritual union with God. It was Saint Paul (a chaste man, ironically) who said, ““A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one.”
In my journey toward wholeness and holiness, I have been wrestling with my sexual brokenness. Years of distorted sexual messages and experiences have configured my mind in such a way that seeing the divine intent in sexual intimacy is a challenge.
To explain let me share a quote from one of the many books I’m currently reading (I may have mentioned before that I’m a book junkie).
“…desire is one of the greatest gifts we can give to another. It is the gift of receptivity. Being received by someone in love, whether in a physical or spiritual way, is one of the most life-affirming experiences we can have. When a wife opens herself to receive a husband in sexual intimacy, or when a trusted friend allows you to share your deepest hurts or hopes with them, you feel seen. These are healing, expansive encounters. And they mirror the inner life of the divine.”
Kelly Deutsch – Spiritual Wanderlust: The Field Guide To Deep Desire
This truth-speaking from Kelly Deutsch caused my soul to leap. I knew it held some truth that I needed to hear although I did not quite get it at first. As often happens, my mind railroaded me with distractions. The provocative phrase ‘when a wife opens to receive a husband’ filled my mind with a flood of images that seemed much too dirty to be associated with God. I struggled with these seemingly opposing forces in my being. Should I go deeper or turn away? Should I be thinking of God this way? Curiosity and shame locked horns.
Only God Himself could help me sort through this entanglement and see what was true. So, I took my thoughts to Him in my usual morning devotions, and this was what I heard Him say:
“Matik, We want you to know that We see your confusion. We see your struggle to untangle your thoughts and desires. We see your heart and mind straining to see purely; to see Us clearly. We see the condemnation that tries to infect as you struggle with your sexuality; your sexual desires entangled with the deepest desires of your heart, and your thoughts toward and about Us. Know this Matik, We are never ashamed. And We are not ashamed of you or shamed by your thoughts. Bring them all to be reconciled at the cross. We can handle it.”
He always knows what to say 😊. My Saviour accepts me; receives me; as I am; unconditionally. He is not waivered or put off by the immature and incompetent bumbling thoughts of a child struggling to comprehend concepts much bigger than himself.
Soothed by the reassuring love of my Papa I was able to push past the surface and lean into the mystery that He wanted to reveal to me… Sexual intimacy is not just the heated sating of physical appetites but two hearts longing to be seen completely, known fully and in the context of that full disclosure to still be desired, wanted and cherished. To have all our flaws and imperfections exposed and still be found desirable. We want to be wanted for who we are without having to pretend or perform. We want to be affirmed that we are beautiful after all. This is what we truly seek, and this is what only God can truly provide in full measure.
God wants to be with you, with no barriers and pretenses (naked), know you fully (inside and out) and have you look into His eyes and see only hot desire and unconditional love for you. Not only that, but He wants to be known by you too, and wanted by you (if you can accept the thought). God is constantly revealing Himself to us for the explicit purpose of captivating us with His incomparable beauty and eternal love in the hopes that we would set our hearts rapturously upon Him and open ourselves to receive Him.
As I said, there is no better way to start this new year than with a passionate love encounter with the Lover of your soul! May He satisfy you all the days of your life and into the blessed union of eternal bliss!
Copyright 2022, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.
If you haven’t yet, check out our FREE Spiritual Growth Foundation Course in which we cover the four foundational principles for spiritual growth and much more! In addition to on-demand videos which you can watch at your leisure, there are downloadable handouts for those who prefer written content.