Where Else Would I Go?

Oh God, my God, Your gentle waves have crashed over me.

Every touch a flood of love and mercy.

Wash over me my King.

Soothe my hassled soul with Your caresses.

How apt am I to leave Your Presence;

How quick my feet do wonder from Your intimacy.

Hold me, Jesus, hold me.

Strengthen me, sweet Holy Spirit,

To hold His gaze a little longer;

To linger in His fiery love.

Yes, I want to call all the others to know You like I do.

Yes, I want to strut about the house in Daddy’s shoes and jacket.

Yes, I want them to know and behold – I am Your beloved son!

These pitiable desires of mine…

Oh save me from them all.

Increase my joy to maximum fullitude,

In those moments of tender touch.

Let these faux-noble desires of my heart,

Be washed away like writings in the sand,

As your waves crash over me.

Crash! Oh unspeakable joy!

Crash! Oh love divine!

Lead me into Your rest,

Where all desires are met;

Where striving ceases;

Where all is stillness.

In your arms I will make my final abode.

My Lord, my King, my Love, my All,

All is here in Your Presence.

I will stay Here forever.

Where else would I go?

Copyright 2020, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.

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Book Launch!

My new book is out!

This novel sprung forth from the dark earth of my failure and despair. I gave my life to Christ at age twenty but only found a truly joy-filled life in Christ twenty years later. The difficulties that I faced in those two decades in between – the tireless grappling with my hedonistic tendencies, the vanity of religion, my failures in one marriage after another, the sin that beset me, the deep desire for fulfilment that remained unmet, the people that God used to shape my character and reveal my mission – all provided the resource material that inspired Authentic Joy.

However, that is not the subject of this book. The subject is God. It is a fictional tale that reveals the non-fictional character of an incomprehensibly wise, astoundingly merciful and absolutely sovereign God who transforms darkness and rancour into light and joy!

In my deepest destitution and despair, I found the joy that I was looking for in the presence of God Himself, or I should say, He brought me to the end of myself so that I could experience Him as He really is; my greatest treasure and highest joy! I wrote this novel simply to share with you the obstacles that kept me from this deeply satisfying intimacy with Christ and the nature of the Life that I found on the other side of those obstacles. My hope is that you too will see Him more clearly, treasure Him more deeply and experience authentic joy in Christ more fully than ever before!

Get your paperback copy now:



Kindle version coming next month!

Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.