New Bible Study Plan! – Encouragement For Imperfect Fathers

I am way excited about my new YouVersion bible plan! This plan is different because it includes a daily testimony from my fatherhood journey. Here’s an excerpt… I hope it encourages you:

Sometimes as a father, I would be focused too much on correcting the attitudes and behaviours of my children. Soon they began to dread every time I said that I wanted to talk to them because they knew it would be about something they were doing wrong. When I realized that I had (albeit with good intentions) created a negative association with ‘talking to dad,’ I was heartbroken.

So, I determined to change. I began to work on finding good things to have heart-to-hearts about, and instead of correcting their behaviour, I focused on telling them about the amazing people God created them to be.

I remember one time in particular. I was worried about my son not applying himself in school. Instead of talking to him about that, I asked him what he saw himself doing in the future. It sparked a beautiful conversation about his ambitions and how he could set himself up for success. Frankly, I was surprised at how well it worked! I actually saw him begin to apply himself more in school. Later in the week, he scolded his brother for not having a bigger vision for his life. I had to work hard to hide my expression of incredulity!

Calling out the gold works ten times better than pointing out the dross!


Father, You only make beautiful things! Help me to see my family through Your eyes and hold before them a vision of the greatness that you have for them! Help me to partner with You in calling them into their Heavenly identity.

Access the full plan here: Encouragement for Imperfect Fathers

Copyright 2022, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.

If you haven’t yet, check out our FREE Spiritual Growth Foundation Course in which we cover the four foundational principles for spiritual growth and much more! In addition to on-demand videos which you can watch at your leisure, there are downloadable handouts for those who prefer written content.

The Secret To Never Giving Up

I attended a retreat recently held by Dr. Theodore ‘Theo’ Ferguson, the founder of the revolutionary movement; Leading From Above The Line. The discussions in the main were about purpose. It was a powerful reminder of the driving force that purpose plays in our lives.

It especially resounded with me because I have been wondering lately about my attempts at blogging and if they are having any impact. The facts are that there are very few likes and almost no comments or shares. I suppose what is more discouraging is that only a few of my family and friends even seem interested. I’m not sure if my own sister even reads my blog!  I mean, if your closest people don’t support you, who will?

But, this is all a perception because there are several other possible ‘truths’:

  1. Many friends have liked and commented on various articles that I guess resonated with them, but everything is just not going to resonate with everybody no matter how close they are. To be fair, I’m not as excited about some of the things they get excited about either so what’s the big deal.
  2. People don’t have time to read all this stuff. In fact, our feeds are so inundated with stuff that many things don’t even get our attention and if they do, who has time to read everything?

So I don’t want to present my perception as facts but simply as the thoughts that sometimes discourage me (and I assume many of us).

Before saying anything more, and given that backdrop, I must say how much I appreciate those of you who have liked, commented or shared my offerings and those who have shared with me in person how much you appreciate my writings. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me! You don’t know how much it means to me. I also cannot fail to send out my love to the constant cheerleaders in my life (you know who you are) 😊.

Ok, so how does this link with purpose? Well, you see, even though sometimes discouragement looms, I am never unsure about continuing this journey. And that is because I KNOW that this is what I was born to do. To help others (even if it is one person) through sharing my life stories in prose is an integral part of my purpose. I get enjoyment and fulfillment from writing and from helping people. Purpose fuels our passion like nothing else! It is what will keep us going in the face of repeated failure and constant naysayers.

s Theo encouraged us at the retreat, I encourage you… find your purpose and live it!


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.