
Death By Comparison

Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it

Habakkuk 2:2b (ESV)

In this well-known verse, the word vision has more to it than meets the eye. It means a divine revelation or a prophetic vision. The verse that follows (verse 3) also makes it clear that this is a vision of the future. I believe that this concept of prophetic vision holds some insight that is very relevant to our personal growth as well as our maturation as the Body of Christ.

I have observed several instances in various situations in family, work, or church where it seemed that people just refused to grow past their current state. There seemed to be no lack of reasons why they saw no need to journey any further in their personal growth. It always pains me when it happens. I can’t understand why someone would refuse to even explore the possibility that there is room for growth. As I talked to God about this recently, He showed me that the issue is perception.

God showed me the Israelites leaving Egypt and heading to the promised land as an example. As the Israelites journeyed with God in the wilderness, He began the process of maturing them from slaves in Egypt to people who would become a mighty nation and rule Canaan. It was sometimes a painful process as all growth involves change and change is painful. At one point in the journey, the Israelites began to complain, “Oh that we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.” The Israelites fell into the deception of comparison. When we cannot envision the future that God has for us, we cannot ‘run’ to attain it. As the popular saying goes, the body cannot go, where the mind has not gone.

Hosea 4:6 says that the people perish for a lack of knowledge. Where there is no vision of God’s dream for our lives, then progress can only be measured by comparison with our past selves or with the people around us. Therefore, we settle for much less than God’s will for our lives, we stop growing and we will ultimately die. This death by comparison manifests itself in mindsets like, “I have achieved enough. I’m comfortable. Why rock the boat?” or, “That’s just how God made me.” Sometimes the mindset that keeps us in stagnation can sound very biblical, “I am a new creature in Christ by faith. There is nothing more that I have to do Christ has done it all.” or, “When Christ is ready, He is well able to change me.” There is always some truth to a deception, it is just not the full truth. Our spirit is completely new (we have been saved) but our soul (will, mind, and emotions) is being transformed (being saved) and our body will be made new when Christ returns. The process of transformation of our souls is not without our willing effort although the power to change does indeed come from Christ by the Spirit.

I wish to propose that there is much work to be done and it will continue until we attain the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Jesus is the only measure. Our leaders are not the measure, how far we have come is not the measure, and our friends are not the measure. We are yet to see the Bride come into her fullness of love, peace, righteousness, joy, authority, and dazzling beauty. I am fully convinced that there is a deep wholeness, unity, abundance of life, and hosting of the Spirit that we are yet to even scratch the surface of as a church, but unless each of us is individually consumed by a personal vision of who God created us to be, we will not attain this corporate reality. To be gripped by a vision it must be personal. Even the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ is too general; we must receive a personal revelation from the Spirit of God of our unique identity and calling. As I heard Dano McCollam say recently, “The bible gives us our last name – what everyone in the family is like. We are all more than conquerors, for example. But the prophetic gives us our first name – our unique identity as a daughter or son in the family.”

So my prayer today for myself, my wife, my children, my family, my friends, and all my brothers and sisters is that our hearts and minds would be open to receive God’s personal vision for our lives. And that the sight of that vision would birth in us a hunger for more and determination to pursue God’s perfect will for our lives like never before. I declare that every limit to our growth will be broken! Be it our physical comfort zones, our theological comfort zones, our social comfort zones, our denominational comfort zones, or the limits we have accepted due to our gender, our age, our past, our education, or our genetic makeup; we will break out of every construct and narrative that limits God’s vision for us!

Copyright 2023, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.

A Prophetic Decree For Trinidad & Tobago

It was the evening of Friday 24th June 2022. My wife and I sat with a friend on a couple of concrete benches taking in the twilight sky. We were perched on the hillside of Mount St. Benedict, with the plains of Central Trinidad spread out below us to the South and the sun setting over Port of Spain to the West. The sky was littered with cloud-frescoes that changed constantly as the wind manipulated them like paint on the sky-dome of the Sistine Chapel. Not to be outdone, the setting sun added his own dramatic effects by casting various light filters on the entire scene – yellow tint, rainbows, orange tint, darkness.

Our hearts were expectant for what God would do over the weekend. This moment marked the beginning of an ecumenical weekend retreat where nine of us would gather to seek God for personal and national revival. The significance of what we would see in the sky that evening would only be revealed in days to come.

In the clouds appeared an angel holding a scroll. It was only after it began to dissipate that I thought to take a picture but hopefully, you can still see the figure of an angel riding on a cloud, bent over a scroll with majestic wings stretched out behind.

As the scenery morphed, rainbows began to appear. At first, it was just one short colourful burst straddling two clouds in the sky, but then another appeared way in the distance touching down somewhere in the East. Sadly, I did not take any pictures of the rainbows as I completely missed their significance at first.

Lastly, a huge crown appeared dominating the twilight sky.

I pondered in my heart what these signs in the sky could mean but I did not give it too much thought as the remaining attendees arrived and we went inside to sort out accommodations and prepare for the start of our retreat.

What God did in the midst of us over those few days can only be described as sacred. As I prepare to describe what happened this weekend, I feel like I should take off my shoes as men of God did in olden days when they discerned God was near. This is holy ground.

We shared the stories of our lives with each other and gave thanks for what God had done. In each of us was a monument built in flesh and blood to God’s grace and goodness in the midst of pain, suffering, and brokenness. But God!

We shared our deepest desires for our lives to become better, for our families to be restored in love and peace, for our children to serve God and become all that they were meant to be, for us to become all that God has called us to be, for more love, joy and peace deep inside of us, for more of God.

Then we listened. We had poured out our hearts. What would be God’s response? We let the stillness and silence envelop us as we individually tuned our ears to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

Then we came back together to share what we had heard and to hear God on each other’s behalf. It was like a firehose of grace was unleashed in our midst, pouring down from heaven, drenching us, washing us, cleansing us, filling us, and renewing us! Hurts were healed through tears as the saints gathered around in comfort. We painted God’s dreams for each other in vivid scenes that restored hope, renewed faith and assured us that we were not forgotten orphans but precious daughters and sons; seen, known and loved. We listened as God shared His desires. We gently invited us to restore broken relationships, forgive past hurts and believe what He had done and was doing in our lives. He ushered us into greater forgiveness, faith and freedom. By the time we were through, the love of God for us and our love for each other was palpable in the air, and we had lost track of time.

Sunday evening came and we prepared to leave. There was great joy. Not jumping up and down joy, but the deeper, quieter kind. The final words of God, “This was not the end but the beginning.” Then came a surprise. A desperate soul appeared on our doorstep seeking prayer. We surrounded him and shared with him of the meal we had just received. More tears. More love. More breakthrough. Just like God to do something unexpected.

As we came off the mountaintop, (having reminded each other not to let the invasion of noise and busyness of the valley loosen our grasp on what we had heard on the mountaintop) I determined to revisit and process all that God had said over the weekend. For a few days the rhythms of prayer, shared meals, laughter, tears and listening to God’s voice in community had dominated. Oh, what bliss. But now as I process the entire weekend with Holy Spirit, God is still speaking and I wonder, “As much as God spoke in our hearts and minds, and through the voices of our brothers and sisters, did He also speak to us through the clouds?”

I believe He did. Let me share with you the interpretations of the signs that I believe the Holy Spirit has given to me:

  • The angel with the scroll – a prophetic decree has been issued from Heaven for Trinidad & Tobago.
  • The rainbows – a promise of God’s covenant with us reassuring us of hope and new beginnings – restoration.
  • The crown – the Kingdom is coming – the sovereign will of the King of kings is being established over Trinidad & Tobago.

This is the decree that I believe has been released from Heaven for our beloved country:

“There will be a shaking. Leaders will fall and leaders after My heart will be raised up. The false and the true will be exposed. Then I will pour out My Spirit.”

Legions of angels have already been released all across the country to execute this decree. I invite all who would read this to pray with me:

Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

May your Kingdom come soon.

May your will be done in Trinidad & Tobago, as it is in heaven.

Give us today the food we need.

And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.