The Mourning – A Valentine’s Day Poem

Somewhere back there,

I lost You.

I don’t know when it happened.

All I know is loss, grief, anguish consume my soul.

Once we laughed and played.

Once my eyes were full of love,

For You only.

For You only.

When did I look away?

When did I become distracted?

Too busy to notice the creeping darkness;

The joy oozing from my soul.

When did doing good,

Replace being in love?

When did I start,

Taking Your Presence for granted?

Oh how I am overcome with remorse!

This isn’t the first time,

I’ve strayed so many times.

So many times…

One small step, one small step,

‘I will return to Your embrace later’

‘After this meeting’

‘As soon as I finish working on…’

Oh! I hear Your voice on the Wind!

My love, my love,

I am coming!

The basket of baubles,

That consumed me so,

Spills from my lap.

I must run to His voice!

I hear You my love.

Now I see You!

I see You leaping over the mountains to me!

To me! You have found me!

You have awakened my heart

Your breath hot on my lips.

The deadlines I was chasing, now forgotten.

The great deeds and heavy duties,

So much paler in the shadow of Your love.

Captivate me Jesus!

Cup my chin and turn my head,

Whenever my eyes wander.

Hold my hand tight,

Whenever I angle to turn away.

My heart is utterly in Your hands Jesus,

Only Your love holds me up.

Only Your love keeps me from utter ruin.

Enthrall me now and forever Jesus.


Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. ~ Matthew 4:4 (ESV)

Copyright 2022, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.