Two Strategies To Help You Achieve Your Goals In 2018

So, you’ve set your goals or at least you’ve thought about what you want to achieve this year. That’s the easy part. What can we do to give ourselves the greatest chance for success? Well I have two strategies that greatly increase my chances for success and hopefully they can work for you too.

Do It Together

Going after our joyful life goals with somebody (or somebodies) else exponentially increases our chances for success. Think about trying to work out at home versus with a buddy in the gym or playing football with your friends versus running alone. Your goal could be taking a class or learning a new skill or starting a business. Whatever it is, going after it with someone else makes it much more likely that you will succeed. Company makes everything more fun and we are all going to have those days when we just aren’t motivated and that’s when having a buddy will be indispensable. They will give us that encouragement or buff (Trini for scolding) just when we need it.


We will always have more things that we want to accomplish than we have time to accomplish but there’s a trick to getting more done without living on a treadmill of to-dos. It’s all about finding the things that complement each other. This applies on many levels. To continue from the examples above…. It would be a huge win-win if couples exercised together or took a class together. The synergy between your relationship goals and your physical fitness or academic goals will almost ensure significant progress in both.

There are other types of synergies as well. For instance, understanding how your body, mind, emotions and spirit all feed off each other will accelerate your progress. For example, a run in the morning may energize you and start off your day with a positive win. Doing your most important work first thing in the morning to capitalize on that high-energy time might be a good idea.

Another example: If you have a goal to be more present and patient and loving with your children, a regular spiritual practice of prayer or meditation will help tremendously. In fact, regular exercise, good eating habits and regular spiritual renewal will make you feel good and feel good about yourself and fuel all the other goals in your life.

Finally, you can also synergize your time.  Examples: listening to audiobooks if you have a long drive to work, reading a book while waiting at the doctor’s office, scheduling a nap between dropping and picking up a kid to and from their activity (my favourite 😊).

I hope these two tips help you to make your year an unprecedented success!


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.