It’s my birthday! God has blessed me with so many wonderful people in my life and taken me through so many challenges that I just feel so grateful on days like today.
I’m extra excited today because today I get to give the gift!
I’m launching my new book – The Primacy of The Voice of God: Elevating The Word of God to Its Rightful Position – and i’m giving it away free!
Here’s an excerpt:
Hebrew 4:12-13 (ESV) refers to the Word like this:
12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Hebrews defines the Word of God as:
- Living
- Powerful
- Sharp
- Discerning
And if the reader had any doubt as to what, or rather who, the author is referring, in verse 13 the Word of God is referred to with the personal pronouns ‘his’ and ‘him’. The clear conclusion of this passage, therefore, is that the Word of God is a living, active person.
However, I admit that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many questions still to be answered. I have just laid the foundation – Jesus Christ; the Word of God. It may seem a simplistic truth, but Jesus is the foundation on which everything else is built. He is The Rock on which everything else stands. He is the chief cornerstone which you must be broken upon or He will break you to pieces (Mat 21:42-44).
The primary question I will seek to answer is this: ‘Are we correct to equate the Word of God with the Bible?’ In the following chapters we will seek the answer to this question and hopefully in so doing answer many others. We will look to see what the Bible says about the Word of God and about itself in the Old and New Testaments. We will discover what it means for the Word of God to be living and active in the Christian life. I hope you will find this journey of discovery both challenging and rewarding.
The infinite-ness of God has always captivated me. He is so vast; His ways so far above and beyond my capacity to imagine or comprehend. Fathoming God is like trying to imagine a colour that I have never seen before. No matter how much I try, my mind cannot break free from its tether to the world of what has already been created. I cannot create (even in thought) anything that is higher than my level of existence. For this reason, a theology that creates a God that can be easily boxed-in or comprehended by my fickle human mind has always greatly disturbed me. If God created me, then He cannot exist on my level.
I hope this book seriously challenges your God-shaped-box and I hope that in doing so a chain reaction is set off in your life that magnifies and glorifies God with the exponential expansion and blinding brilliance of a supernova! If God is god then He is utterly beyond our capacity to fully comprehend Him!
To download the free Ebook or purchase the kindle version on Amazon for just $0.99 US go here The paperback version is also available on Amazon.
I do have a small birthday request:
- I know this book is not for everyone and that’s ok. But even if it’s not of interest to you could you please share this post so that it can reach others who might be interested?
- If you do read it, I would really love to get your feedback. Please send me a message and/or leave a review on Amazon with your honest feedback.
Thank you my joyful friends.