The Challenge Trophy

Yesterday was the graduation ceremony for the Millennium Bible Institute class of 2017. I graduated with a certificate in Practical Theology and I was the class valedictorian, for which I received a challenge trophy. I chuckled to myself at the phrase ‘challenge trophy’ because, as I was introduced to give the valedictory address and then to receive the trophy, I was introduced as the student who challenged everything. It was no exaggeration.

Groupthink is defined as a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

I have seen the treacherous nature of this phenomenon at work in the business place and in the church. Leadership plays a critical role in guarding against groupthink by maintaining a healthy environment which fosters sound decision-making outcomes. Critical to this is how leaders handle challenges to their ideas. If a leader handles a challenge without getting defensive but welcomes alternative viewpoints then people will know that it is safe to share their ideas, suggestions and feedback.

However, if a leader victimizes or bullies those who oppose his views then people will quickly learn to just follow orders and leave their brains at the door. This leads to a plethora of unhealthy outcomes. Leadership will have a distorted view of reality, there will be a poverty of rigorous thinking and creativity, a culture that fosters blame and sabotage will be created, and faulty decisions will result. The final outcome will be failed businesses and failed churches.

Early on in my career and later on in my church life I learned the value of challenging ideas. I realized that the phenomenon of groupthink was widespread, and I determined to be an outspoken, independent thinker. I challenged anybody and anything without fear or favour, not to be rebellious but because I genuinely wanted what was best for the organization and for the church. Some did not respond well to being challenged and others welcomed it.

Great leaders welcome differing views and I was fortunate enough to have a few pivotal leaders in my life who encouraged me to share my views. David Jardim, my boss when I worked at Tracmac Engineering (now Massy CAT), told me not to be a ‘shrinking violet’. Unknown to him it was something God was working on in me at the time and his words had a great effect on how I viewed myself and my contribution from then on. He started the ball rolling and it hasn’t stopped since.

Many years later I had the privilege of reporting to Eugene Tiah at Phoenix Park Gas Processors Ltd. and he was a firm believer in getting everybody’s views no matter what they were. His humility is exceedingly rare in the business world and his leadership has had a great impact on my life. Most recently I have found a rare gem in my pastor, Edward Phillips, who was also my lecturer at bible school. He too, encouraged me to challenge the status quo. “Those who challenge things,” he says, “are the ones who go on to become great scholars.”

These thoughts rolled around in my head as the graduation ceremony proceeded yesterday and I gave God thanks for placing these men in my life at the right moments to allow me to be me and to grow and to mature. I hope that I will be also be a leader like them who allows those around me to be forthright and creative and bring all that they have to contribute to the success of the wider community.


Copyright 2017, Matik Nicholls.

3 Replies to “The Challenge Trophy”

  1. Congratulations and all praise be to God. We also need to be this type of leader in our homes, as parents, so that our children will learn to think and not just follow. May God continue to bless you my good fellow.

    1. That is so true Fermeda. But I must admit that sometimes I get exasperated with my children’s constant challenges. Lol. But I have to laugh because goat doh make sheep 😂

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