
Transformation versus Conformation

It’s carnival Monday and I am in the cold mountains around Lake Tahoe, California, USA. For those who don’t know, carnival in Trinidad and Tobago is a festival where we dress up and dance in the streets for two full days. It is full of vibrancy, music, revelry and wild abandon. I love it! So why am I, a full-blooded Trinbagonian, in Lake Tahoe?

Well to answer that question I first wish to say why I’m not in Lake Tahoe. I’m not here because a pastor said I should not be involved in carnival. I’m not here because the bible speaks against revelry, debauchery, drunkenness and licentiousness (big words that essentially mean abandoning one’s self-restraint in the enjoyment of sensual pleasure). I’m not here because some Christians might judge me and say that I am Christian yet I’m taking part in carnival.

You see, I came to a realization many years ago that I am not interested in conformation and God is not in that business either. I realized that I cannot live a life where I act in a manner that is at odds with my desires and what gives me pleasure. That path never resulted in more joy or a better internal quality of life. It was a tortured existence. All authentic change must be driven by a deep internal desire on the inside (transformation) not pressure to conform from the outside. It must be that we are aiming for something more pleasurable, something better, something of greater value to the quality of our life if we are to really change.

This is exactly what the bible teaches by the way. It is said in many different ways; “Repent for the kingdom of God is here”, “Lose your life to gain eternal life”, “Sell all you have and buy the pearl”, “Do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. The theme is immutable, there is not virtue in asceticism and self-denial UNLESS there is a greater prize that you are aiming for.

If I am going to change and leave behind something good, it must be for something better. Hence, why I am here at Lake Tahoe. I am on a mission, a retreat and an adventure. I am taking a step back from the noise to regenerate, introspect and draw closer to God. I am going to try skiing for the first time! I am going to dedicate some focused time to my writing. I am going to a Bethel Music conference to soak in the richness of the love of God and fan the flames of my love for Christ.

Each of these things bring me joy. I am excited! It is a transformation of joy to be here! To those back on my beautiful twin-island taking part in the festivities I say, enjoy! I still believe that carnival is beautiful. I chose one of my favourite carnival photos for this post. I took it at Panorama in 2010. The vibrance, creativity and primal beauty that shines at carnival is from the divine. Many of my friends, whom I admire, take part every year without being sexually promiscuous or drinking themselves into a stupor.

I hope to send some photos and updates from my adventures over these next weeks. Do what you love my friends, live your truth without shame! That’s what I am doing in Lake Tahoe!


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.


What Is Life?

I live in an area that’s surrounded by forest and yesterday after I went for a short jog I took a detour into the bush. Venturing into nature is one of my favourite pastimes. For me it is deeply restorative. Yesterday, I felt more alive as the sights, sounds and smells of the forest invaded my senses.

I have always found that nature is so full of life. I was hearing several birds calling, crickets chirping and the river bubbling over the rocks. I felt, heard and saw the breeze blowing through the trees and rustling the leaves and causing branches to sway. As I stood beneath the trees pondering that thought, a question rose like bubbles to the surface of my mind, “What is Life?”.

Science says that what distinguishes living creatures from inorganic matter is:

  • Metabolism
  • Growth
  • Adapting to the environment
  • Responding to stimuli
  • Reproduction

While this is meant in a very physical sense, I began to look at it much more holistically. What does it mean for a human being to truly live.


We take in food and oxygen and produce waste and carbon dioxide. Other organisms depend on our waste for food and we depend on others for our food. It’s a wonderful symbiosis. But we are not only physical beings. How do we nourish our minds, our hearts, our spirit? And what do we give off to others? To live, is to be engaged in a symbiotic relationship with all of life where we give and receive in an endless rhythmic cycle. Life is an artful relationship with our world where we are both giver and receiver. If we only inhabit the role of the giver, we are already dead. If we are here only to receive, we are already dead.


We are constantly changing from the day we are born until the day we die. The inevitability of death is in fact another evidence that we are alive. Life is our continual addition to what we already know and believe. Every new experience should add to us and alter the whole. At the end of our life we should be like an old tree where every ring of its trunk tells a story. Evidences of storms and droughts and sunny days and times of plentiful rain are all written in its flesh. Our minds and hearts should be no different; constantly expanding with the providence supplied by each day of life. Life is leaving wiser and fuller than when you arrived. If we decide that we know it all already, we are already dead.


Our mindset has to adapt. We can’t stay stuck in the same songs from yesteryear and refuse to embrace the technology of today. We have to remain relevant. We have to learn new ways of thinking. New ways of being. New ways of expressing the variety of life. Life is about survival. If we do not change with the world we are already dead.


Inanimate objects do not respond to stimuli. Love.. no response. Hate.. no response. Our ability to relate to each other is perhaps one of the most intangible expressions of the joy of life. Everything is connected. There are trillions of interactions (stimuli and response) taking place on planet earth every second. Life is relationship. Cut off our minds and hearts from the rest of humanity and we are already dead.


We are hard-wired for sex. The primal urge to reproduce is powerful. Not only physically,  there is also a deep human need to leave a piece of ourselves behind or to live on in some meaningful way. We somehow know that we are meant to have impact beyond the length of our days. We want to leave a mark on the world. To live is to leave a legacy that outlives your body. If we are not fulfilling the purpose for which we were born, we are already dead.

Choose to live!


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls

The Secret To Never Giving Up

I attended a retreat recently held by Dr. Theodore ‘Theo’ Ferguson, the founder of the revolutionary movement; Leading From Above The Line. The discussions in the main were about purpose. It was a powerful reminder of the driving force that purpose plays in our lives.

It especially resounded with me because I have been wondering lately about my attempts at blogging and if they are having any impact. The facts are that there are very few likes and almost no comments or shares. I suppose what is more discouraging is that only a few of my family and friends even seem interested. I’m not sure if my own sister even reads my blog!  I mean, if your closest people don’t support you, who will?

But, this is all a perception because there are several other possible ‘truths’:

  1. Many friends have liked and commented on various articles that I guess resonated with them, but everything is just not going to resonate with everybody no matter how close they are. To be fair, I’m not as excited about some of the things they get excited about either so what’s the big deal.
  2. People don’t have time to read all this stuff. In fact, our feeds are so inundated with stuff that many things don’t even get our attention and if they do, who has time to read everything?

So I don’t want to present my perception as facts but simply as the thoughts that sometimes discourage me (and I assume many of us).

Before saying anything more, and given that backdrop, I must say how much I appreciate those of you who have liked, commented or shared my offerings and those who have shared with me in person how much you appreciate my writings. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me! You don’t know how much it means to me. I also cannot fail to send out my love to the constant cheerleaders in my life (you know who you are) 😊.

Ok, so how does this link with purpose? Well, you see, even though sometimes discouragement looms, I am never unsure about continuing this journey. And that is because I KNOW that this is what I was born to do. To help others (even if it is one person) through sharing my life stories in prose is an integral part of my purpose. I get enjoyment and fulfillment from writing and from helping people. Purpose fuels our passion like nothing else! It is what will keep us going in the face of repeated failure and constant naysayers.

s Theo encouraged us at the retreat, I encourage you… find your purpose and live it!


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.

Hurt People, Hurt People

More than once this week I found myself talking to someone who was upset about how someone else had treated them. Some even went so far as to call the persons in question nasty or evil. In almost all cases there was a feeling that these ‘bad’ people needed to be called to account for their actions. What was evident was that these people felt hurt. They had been wronged in some way and were grappling with the question WHY. Why did this person say this about me? Why did they treat me this way?

I have a friend who says, “Hurt people, hurt people.” The phrase kept popping up into my mind this week as I saw it played out in the circumstances around me. In different ways, I tried to help my counterparts to understand this truism as they dealt with their pain but they too were caught in the cycle. They demanded justice for their hurt.

Richard Rohr says that pain is either transformed or transmitted. We all have pain. Some of us have deep emotional and/or psychological trauma from things that have happened in our past. It can go as far back as what happened while we were in the womb or as recent as an unhealthy relationship last month. It can be as devastating as rape or incest or as innocuous as a spouse that constantly nags or belittles. In a sense, the form is unimportant. The question is, what do we do with it?

If we understood the ramifications of not dealing with our pain, I believe we would be a lot more proactive about intentionally seeking healing (transformation). Every hurt that is not dealt with will be passed on to those around us in some form or fashion. We will mould our children based on the pain we suffered as a child. We will see our new partner through the eyes of the hurt suffered at the hands of the last one. We will lash out at the world for the wounds inflicted by someone, somewhere, sometime.

Inner healing seen this way is not a choice, it’s an imperative. The first step for me is usually one of humility. That aha moment when I realize that as much as I feet hurt, I have also inflicted hurt. I did not set out to, but I did. I am only human. We are all only human. I have had several such moments and have gone back to say I’m sorry and ask forgiveness.

Today in church the preacher talked about a world-renowned pastor whom he held in high esteem because, as well respected as he was, a child could tell him that he had done something wrong and he would be quick to apologize. There are too few men and women like this today. I have had to ask forgiveness of my ex-wife for leaving our marriage. I’ve had to ask forgiveness of my son for not being there for him. I’ve had to ask forgiveness of my pastor for walking out of his church. I’ve had to ask forgiveness of my children for shouting at them in anger. It’s not easy sometimes. Most times. OK, all the time.

If I sometimes do hurtful things then how can I hold others to a higher standard? We must also be willing to forgive others their human-ness. Whether they are sorry or not or ask forgiveness or not is irrelevant. Forgive. Only forgiveness allows us to leave that pain behind and break the cycle. The unloving parent was trying her/his best. The abusive spouse is only human. The pastor, priest, pundit or imam that hurt us is only human. The boss from hell is only human. Forgiveness is the first step on the path to inner healing.

Ideally, our religious communities should play a vital role in society of walking with us on this journey of inner healing. The church should be the societal interrupters, working with us to break the cycle of pain at work in our lives and I know many churches do play this role. The Catholic Church actually has a formal program called Original Pain Therapy. The journey is a tough one and many times support is needed. The church community has played this role for me, but I imagine non-religious support groups could play this role as well. Alcoholics Anonymous has been extremely effective at transforming those with addictions to alcohol. Sometimes counselling from trained professionals was also necessary for me. Sometimes just a friend with a listening ear was enough. Our paths will be as different as our pains, but I implore you, take the journey.


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.

Two Strategies To Help You Achieve Your Goals In 2018

So, you’ve set your goals or at least you’ve thought about what you want to achieve this year. That’s the easy part. What can we do to give ourselves the greatest chance for success? Well I have two strategies that greatly increase my chances for success and hopefully they can work for you too.

Do It Together

Going after our joyful life goals with somebody (or somebodies) else exponentially increases our chances for success. Think about trying to work out at home versus with a buddy in the gym or playing football with your friends versus running alone. Your goal could be taking a class or learning a new skill or starting a business. Whatever it is, going after it with someone else makes it much more likely that you will succeed. Company makes everything more fun and we are all going to have those days when we just aren’t motivated and that’s when having a buddy will be indispensable. They will give us that encouragement or buff (Trini for scolding) just when we need it.


We will always have more things that we want to accomplish than we have time to accomplish but there’s a trick to getting more done without living on a treadmill of to-dos. It’s all about finding the things that complement each other. This applies on many levels. To continue from the examples above…. It would be a huge win-win if couples exercised together or took a class together. The synergy between your relationship goals and your physical fitness or academic goals will almost ensure significant progress in both.

There are other types of synergies as well. For instance, understanding how your body, mind, emotions and spirit all feed off each other will accelerate your progress. For example, a run in the morning may energize you and start off your day with a positive win. Doing your most important work first thing in the morning to capitalize on that high-energy time might be a good idea.

Another example: If you have a goal to be more present and patient and loving with your children, a regular spiritual practice of prayer or meditation will help tremendously. In fact, regular exercise, good eating habits and regular spiritual renewal will make you feel good and feel good about yourself and fuel all the other goals in your life.

Finally, you can also synergize your time.  Examples: listening to audiobooks if you have a long drive to work, reading a book while waiting at the doctor’s office, scheduling a nap between dropping and picking up a kid to and from their activity (my favourite 😊).

I hope these two tips help you to make your year an unprecedented success!


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.

The Marshmallow Test Started In Trinidad?

Eager to get going on my goal to be more disciplined in 2018, today I started a new audiobook; The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control by Walter Mischel. I was completely taken by surprise by what I heard in chapter 6… Let me say upfront that I was in two minds about sharing this given the sometimes volatile racial tension in Trinidad but in the end the opportunity for learning from the objective scientific insights of a foreigner far outweighed the risks. Here are excerpts of what Walter Mischel had to say:

“The marshmallow experiment allowed us to see how children managed to delay and resist temptation, and how differences in this ability play out over a lifetime. But what about the choice itself? I started to ask that question while I was a graduate student at Ohio State University, well before I joined the Stanford faculty. I spent one summer living near a small village in the southern tip of Trinidad.

The inhabitants in this part of the island were of either African or East Indian descent, their ancestors having arrived as either slaves or indentured servants. Each group lived peacefully in its own enclave, on different sides of the same long dirt road that divided their homes.… I discovered a recurrent theme in how they characterized each other. According to the East Indians, the Africans were just pleasure-bent, impulsive, and eager to have a good time and live in the moment, while never planning or thinking ahead about the future. The Africans saw their East Indian neighbors as always working and slaving for the future, stuffing their money under the mattress without ever enjoying life”

“To check if the perceptions about the differences between the ethnic groups were accurate, I walked down the long dirt road to the local school, which was attended by children from both groups.” “I tested boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 14. I asked the children who lived in their home, gauged their trust that promises made would be promises kept, and assessed their achievement motivation, social responsibility, and intelligence. At the end of each of these sessions, I gave them choices between little treats: either one tiny chocolate that they could have immediately or a much bigger one that they could get the following week”

“The young adolescents in Trinidad who most frequently chose the immediate smaller rewards, in contrast to those who chose the delayed larger ones, were more often in trouble and, in the language of the time, judged to be “juvenile delinquents.” Consistently, they were seen as less socially responsible, and they had often already had serious issues with authorities and the police. They also scored much lower on a standard test of achievement motivation and showed less ambition in the goals they had for themselves for the future.

Consistent with the stereotypes I heard from their parents, the African Trinidadian kids generally preferred the immediate rewards, and those from East Indian families chose the delayed ones much more often. But surely there was more to the story. Perhaps those who came from homes with absent fathers—a common occurrence at that time in the African families in Trinidad, while very rare for the East Indians—had fewer experiences with men who kept their promises. If so, they would have less trust that the stranger—me—would ever really show up later with the promised delayed reward. There’s no good reason for anyone to forgo the “now” unless there is trust that the “later” will materialize. In fact, when I compared the two ethnic groups by looking only at children who had a man living in the household, the differences between the groups disappeared.”

Given that this was around 1956, can you imagine the cycle of absentee fathers and instant gratification that has led over 60 years later to the current social crisis in Trinidad & Tobago!?! Myers goes on to talk about experiments in Boston that showed that 12 years olds with less ability to delay gratification were far more likely to cheat to get something that they want. The correlation to our current crime culture is clear. Why work to get anything? There is no trust that society will give me any rewards for hard work and why wait anyway when I can rob somebody (equally applied to a petty thief or corrupt government official) and get what I want now?!

For me this was a poignant pointer to the root of the problem. We can continue to rail against the failed political leaders/parties or police service from now until whenever but until and unless we face the failed leadership in our homes and our communities and our churches/mosques/temples, we will be hacking away at the branches leaving the roots of crime untouched.

In 2018 let’s point the finger at ourselves and make a commitment to make a difference. As a predominantly African male with three children, I’m starting with me.


Copyright 2018, Matik Nicholls.

Living On Purpose – Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

2017 is almost done. For me, that means it’s time to begin plotting how to make 2018 a joyful success! But first, I like to take time to reflect on the year gone. Did I achieve my goals? What were the major themes? What did I learn? How have I grown? What do I need to improve? Who helped make my year memorable?

First, I looked back at my 2017 goals and celebrated the wins and noted where I fell short. Then I went through my journal and walked through some of the major themes of the year, reliving the ebb and flow of the thoughts in my head during 2017.

Then I began to look at my life in pictures over the last year. If you are a photos/visual person like me I highly recommend this as a great way to celebrate the end of another year. You hardly ever take photos of your depressed times or worst moments, so it really focuses you on the positive things in your life, what’s important and what you have to be thankful for and most importantly who you have to be thankful for. Undoubtedly, who you spent 2017 with matters more than what you did. I actually took the best 150 photos or so and made a slideshow video with Google Photos. I’ve been watching it over and over and getting the warm fuzzies inside every time.

All considered, I would have to say that I made significant progress in 2017. I achieved some of my major goals, like taking my mummy on a trip 😊. I fell short in others (I definitely did not get enough rest in 2017 ☹). And then there were the things I did not plan to achieve but did, like starting this blog! God certainly had some surprises up His sleeve this year and I loved it! 2017 was definitely a year of growth and key to that was the people I connected with in 2017 and the relationships I invested in.

But a good year doesn’t just happen. I had a plan not only for what I wanted to achieve but also who I wanted to become. Every year I set goals for the following year and revisit them regularly. I use a planner called Action Daily which has a goal setting exercise in the front and then arranged with weekly goals and tasks for each week of the year. I completed my 2018 goal plan yesterday.

I have it arranged in four categories:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Physical
  3. Relationships
  4. Vocational (which is everything else – work, business, education, church ministry)

If you want your life to be significant, you must be intentional. Otherwise, you will have a default life, adrift on the river of time. You have to be intentional about everything; how you will develop yourself, how you will work on that weak spot in your character, which relationships you will invest in, how you will achieve that big dream that you have.

A joyful life does not just happen, it is designed. You must have a strong, passionate WHY for each of your goals. Why is this important to you? Why do you want to achieve it? Motivation to achieve anything comes from passion. If your goals are not aligned with your deepest desires, you will not achieve it. If you do not make a plan to follow your passions, you also will not achieve it. You need passion AND planning. I have one why for all my goals – to fulfil my purpose on this earth and glorify Jesus Christ.

What’s your passion? What’s your plan? Write it down and begin designing the life of your dreams! May 2018 be a year of unprecedented progress in the making of your authentically joyful life!


Copyright 2017, Matik Nicholls

Joy To The World

As a child, every year I would eagerly anticipate opening my presents and the euphoria I would feel as I came face to face with the objects of my desire. And every Christmas was the same; anticlimactic. It never lived up to my imagination. I was always left with a dogged emptiness. Every Christmas as night fell I would lie in my bed, half disappointed and half confused, thinking “I should be happier.”

Then one year, I discovered the joy of Christmas. That year I had taken extra care to get or make presents that my family and friends would appreciate. As I watched them open their presents and share Christmas hugs, I finally felt it… the Joy of Christmas. It truly is better, much better, to give than to receive.

I like to imagine what the first Christmas must have been like when the Father lovingly and joyfully gave His only begotten Son to mankind. How He must have been beaming in heaven when the shepherds and wise men first laid eyes on The Present. What a Gift! What a Giver!

Merry Christmas everyone and as you share treasured moments with friends and family may your joy be full!

Copyright 2017, Matik Nicholls

True Strength

First of all, I just want to announce that I’ve moved the Authentic Joy blog to its own Facebook page. So for those of you that use Facebook to stay connected, please like the page and share and comment. I would love to hear from you! 🙂

Launching this blog in October and connecting with you all over these past months has been a blast. Thank you all for your support! Feedback that I have often received is that my willingness to be so open is appreciated, so I thought I would talk a little more about that this week.

Strength, especially masculine strength, too often has been portrayed as having a veneer of invincibility and success. To quote my cousin’s Facebook post: “Men are so obsessed with acting strong and not showing and weakness or emotion, the exact opposite happens. Everyone has feelings. It’s ok to acknowledge and deal with them.”

We are caught in the gravitational pull of the image of invulnerability as a laudable quality. But if we can break out of this futile orbit to nowhere, the stars await! Because invulnerability is not the truth; it’s not real. If we can let go of the image of strength, we can begin to actually develop true strength. Many leaders still feel that there are things they MUST NEVER show at all costs. Things like weakness, discouragement, failure, disappointment, fear and being wrong. I’ve seen this with businessmen and I’ve seen it with pastors.

This charade has two important ramifications:

  1. Leaders rarely get the help they need. Every church scandal can be traced back to a leader who was too ashamed of his struggles with sin to let people know. And how many business initiatives have failed because somebody could not admit that they were wrong or that they did not have the answer?
  2. Followers are not engaged with leaders in a growth process. To begin with, nobody is inspired by inauthentic leadership. We know when someone is selling us a load of crap disguised as sunshine. Secondly, nobody grows; not the leader and not the followers who typically mimic the leader to survive. You cannot develop courage in the face of fear or failure without acknowledging the fear or failure.

The great news is that the charade is being exposed! Brené Brown is at the forefront of a movement to recognize the power of vulnerability! It should not go unnoticed that this message comes from a woman and the lessons we can learn about the value of the female voice in leading much needed change at all levels in our fairly paternalistic society. She says, “I believe that vulnerability – the willingness to be “all in” even when you know it can mean failing and hurting – is brave. I do NOT believe that cussing and praying are mutually exclusive.” You can read more about her message here: https://brenebrown.com

The fact is that real strength, real courage, is showing your weakness; being vulnerable in the face of challenges.

This is, in effect the story of Christmas. The hero comes to save the world and enters in the most vulnerable of ways. Jesus doesn’t come as a towering angel or powerful warrior king. He comes as a helpless baby born in a stable to parents who haven’t yet consummated their marriage. Weak and poor at the bottom of society. He understood where real strength lies.

So essentially, what I have been trying to say through this blog is, “It’s ok to talk about mistakes and failure and hurts and fears. It’s ok to be vulnerable. We all face these demons but let’s not do it alone anymore. Let’s help each other and engage each other in a community of growth and support.” I know no better way to do that than by sharing the good, the bad and the ugly of my own story.

We are stronger together!


Copyright 2017, Matik Nicholls

Success Is The Enemy Of Growth

I spent half of my life believing that one of the big objectives of life was to be successful and hence to avoid failure at all costs. ‘Getting it right’ and ‘living right’ were big themes particularly at the church I attended. Then I had my first big failure; leaving my first marriage. I am choosing my words very deliberately. I believe both people take responsibility for the success or failure of any relationship but in terms of responsibility for ending the relationship, I have to own the fact that I left my marriage and backed out of my vows.

That led to a period of intense recalibration. I had to face up to who I was and what I really believed. Not what the bible said. Not what my pastor taught. What did I believe and who did I want to be.

I did not know it at the time but that set a foundation for authentic growth. You cannot grow, if you do not recognize a lack, a deficiency. I explored the depths of my own passions and desires and over time the authentic me emerged. From that time in my life onwards, I began to grow at an accelerated pace.

From that nexus came forth so much fruit; humility, a desire to reconnect with my parents, empathy for the moral outcasts of life, an encounter with the boundless merciful love of Christ, understanding of the real gospel of Jesus, freedom from shame, understanding of true companionship, refreshed love for mankind, renewed delight in this physical creation God has blessed us to enjoy… I could go on and on but the point is that it started with failure. As Richard Rohr says, “The way down, is the way up.”

Day by day, it washes over me with renewed poignancy how blessed I am to have experienced failure. Failure opened the door for my inner work because success is the enemy of growth. By growth I don’t mean external accomplishments. I mean inner growth; character formation. Success tells us that who we are is working so we have no need to change. But it can be a deception. I see it all the time in very successful men with rotten characters. If you give them feedback, they immediately point to their track record of success as validation of who they are.

I am extremely thankful because I could have been just like that; a rotten success. Looking back now I know that there were many whispers of feedback that I must have missed until life had to shout to get my attention. Now I have the humility to hear the whispers of feedback in the counsel of my support group or in the reactions of people I interact with (even though I must admit I still sometimes don’t have the humility to act on it).

I can remember last year getting feedback from staff and how it shook me. Even though it was largely positive, the few areas for improvement were areas I was passionate about and that I thought I was outstanding in. Apparently, I was not. I was quite successful as a manager, but the echoes of past hubris reminded me not to be so cocky, so sure of my footing, so set in my beliefs that no other view can penetrate my world. I sat down with a friend and charted a course to work on becoming a better me.

The other beautiful thing about inner growth is that it affects everything else. My failure in marriage caused inner growth that redounded to my professional life and friendships. You bring you wherever you go. A failed business or a failed work project or a failed exam can catalyse inner work that affects your total life.

My dear companions, don’t be fooled by success and don’t be daunted by failure. Listen… listen to the lessons of your life and learn well.


Copyright 2017, Matik Nicholls