Living On The Margin


What do I mean by living on the margin? I mean to walk the line of non-conformance. I mean to be unwilling to swear allegiance to any particular group. As kingdom believers, our allegiance is to the King alone, which means that on this earth we are always on the margin.

Jesus lived on the margin. He went to church every Sunday and he hung out with the sinners during the week. He didn’t belong anywhere on this earth. To the sinners he was saintly. To the supposed saints, he was sinful. They called Him a glutton and a drunkard. They exaggerated of course but the point is this; Jesus was not concerned about fitting in with society’s norms and neither should we.

The margin is my favourite place. Am I conservative or liberal? Both. Do I believe in capitalism or socialism? Neither. Am I Catholic or Pentecostal? Both and none. Am I a corporate executive or a surfer dude? Yes. When we refuse to join the in-crowd or conform to the social boxes, we live in a world where we are a bit of an enigma. Sometimes chastised and frequently misunderstood but always free to express the kingdom unfettered by public opinion.

And that is the issue; freedom. Those who pander to public opinion are slaves to that opinion and cannot truly execute their kingdom assignment on this earth. If we must belong to or support a particular political party, we are slaves. If we must be a member of the ‘right’ denomination, we are slaves. If we cannot associate with a particular person because in Christian circles he or she is known as a heretic or a backslider, we are slaves. If we cannot go here or there because it is a place of ill repute, we are slaves. Every box we put ourselves into, shuts off the kingdom from reaching those outside the walls through us. Who will reach the prostitutes? Who will reach the drug dealers? Who will reach those living alternative lifestyles? Who will bring balance to the group with a lop-sided theology? Who will lift up the preacher fallen in sin? Who will heal the heart broken divorcee? Who? Who? WHO?

The reason that Christians are described as lights and commanded not to hide their light under a bowl is because our assignment is to dispel darkness wherever that darkness exists. The mandate to enforce kingdom rule on this earth as it is in heaven must be so compelling that our need to be accepted or to be seen as right or righteous is overwritten by our zeal to reach the lost!

Dancing on the margin,

Copyright 2019, Matik Nicholls. All rights reserved.

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